Friday, December 7, 2007

How Fast Can I Get A Replacement Car Title


1. Introduction.

learning environment can be defined as a place, not only physical but also social and emotional, which can create conditions are "optimal" to properly develop a teaching-learning process. To do this, and speaking from the field of physical education, the face of that space has to be comprehensive, non-specific, with a large potential to develop one or more skills or physical abilities and always offering the highest variability as possible in form, content, game modes, it is not necessary to achieve this using a lot of materials or parts especially "technical." The space conditioning will depend on the type of learning we want to carry out, in ways that we should conscientiously choose the objectives that we develop and choose based on these materials and tasks appropriate for their development.

Normally, with such tools as we seek is that students act "freely" so as to experience all kinds of experiences possible, to conduct what it appropriate at all times so that is uncovered himself, knowing through his own experience and go see what their chances, while having fun and enjoy and most importantly, the Once you get exercise.

Due to the above, we apply a pure global education strategy as the child moves and makes the movements or activities you want and how you want, while the technique of teaching that takes place is the inquiry, self-exploration: every child on their own experience or their own learning by trial and error you will discover you can do with each of the materials there in the room and as you get to know and seeing the possibilities offered by each one will be changing its perception of the material and its usefulness.

2. Creating the learning environment.

particular, with the space that I create that subjects intend to develop and improve all basic motor skills: movement, jumps, spins, throws, catches, in addition to other skills such as balance, coordination, rhythm, etc. For the latter, plus all the items listed below have a music stand so that subjects can perform other activities such as dancing, exercises in rhythm, body language or any other activity that requires this element.

3. Description of the items listed in the "learning environment"

Then there will be a description of all materials prepared for making a learning space followed by a brief explanation of what your income and what we are pursuing such material. Each material is assigned a number to make it easier to locate within the space. Sometimes materials do not have a fixed place and even if they appear on the graph in a place later during the development of the session they can move around the space.

1. Bags: as we know, this material is primarily used to enter into and perform jumps, sack races, etc. These activities are going to help your child improve their coordination, can also help develop the muscles of the legs leading to an improvement in jumping ability. On the other hand, can also be a good element to the development of balance as they jump with both feet together in a bag can cause the child off balance once in a while and having to readjust it to be enhance that capability.

2. "The Weaving": "The weaving is a traditional game also called the sink or thong which consists in throwing a stone or similar (in this case we used a ring) in each cell in succession until the last number. First launched the number one, you go all out on one foot and return is collected and if done correctly passed to the next number. Such games have the same benefits as the previous game what happens here is the fact of having to throw an object with a specific aim: to introduce it in a box, which helps improve accuracy releases. Furthermore, the game development itself also helps improve the laterality of the subject, coordination, balance unimodal among others.

3. Banks: placed 4 or 5 banks to a 50 cm each (as shown in the drawing). About placed mats to prevent falls bulky. Here students can perform various actions. The first of these can be passed by crawling under all banks, which would be performing a kind of displacement. Another task that can be done is to pass over a bank, from one extreme to another, which would improve the balance. After crossing the bank could jump mats with what would be practicing also falls. Finally, it could be jumping from one bank to another, from first to last. This activity would improve the jump, displacement, stability and balance and coordination, in addition to the improvements of muscle that can occur. But it must be careful because the jump from one bank to another can be tripped over or you can fall and hit the bank or down on a fellow who at that time is passing under the bank, so we must pay special attention in this element.

4. Trellis with a slide, the trellis is a very useful because they offer many possibilities of use. Here the aim is that children up and down for them to improve the climb, their coordination to climb and then if you want to slide down the slide. To encourage students to climb on the trellises can place balls or balls over the wall bars to go to catch them. In addition, those who do not want to go down the slide are able to jump into the soil to be practicing falling, so that each subject freely choose the height you want to jump.

5. Hanging earrings: hoops are suspended at different heights and in front of them will have a car with balls or balls scattered on the floor. This is arranged so that children participating in the launch of accuracy. To have greater variability and different levels of difficulty not only rings are placed at different heights but also the There are different sizes.

6. "Module": here you can perform various activities. One is simply turning up, a task that is already helping to develop aspects such as balance or strength. up the subject again can choose to jump to the mattresses at different heights to which is improving the ability to fall properly and as balanced as possible. But you can also opt to flip forward thus turns to be improving in the transverse axis.

7. Plinth with different heights: this element has the same profits as before. The student can get on it and choose the height you want to jump to practice falls. In the first step will place a mat for those who want to make money in both the transverse axis as the longitudinal axis.

8. Climbing ropes: this place is what we want is that the subject do you climb on different strings. A string is free of knots and the other nodes so that there is variety in the difficulty of the task. On the other hand, there is also placed a ladder for those who want to upload and then thrown to the mat.

9. Parachute: This item can be used for many activities. You can play making moves to the rhythm of the music, you can enter into balls of different sizes and try them out moving the parachute, you can raise and lower the parachute and that children are going under, etc. This element is necessary perhaps the presence of a teacher to encourage some use.

10. Baloncorf Basket: This is used for launch. The children will catch the ball in attempt to slide it through the hoop. They can shoot from a distance that they think appropriate. Each one will be getting increasingly difficult challenges. On the other hand, the balls can be used to improve the boat or to take roll or anything else.

11. Giant balls, giant balls will be released for several space to catch the children, make it roll, try to throw it away, they try to climb over them, roll over them and so on. This accomplishes several things: better balance, transport, travel ...

12. Foam Rugby Ball: just as giant balls rugby ball released with the intention that children hit them with their feet or try to bounce. Because of its irregular shape of boats and the trajectories of these balls will be less predictable and therefore children should be constantly adjusting their movement to that path which will lead to greater coordination and greater wealth driving.

13. "Hanging Balls" will be posted to different balls heights with the intention of hitting the children with different body parts: foot, head, hands, etc. When this hung not only improve the beatings but he turned the ball will have to ensure that this will hit and it will have to move depending on the path to bring the ball. Therefore, I will help improve the perception. (To hang the ball so you can do is introduce them into a bag and tie the rope to the bag.)