Monday, April 26, 2010

Free License Wifelovers Com

Create a Facebook event

One of the most interesting it's is Facebook Event. Any user @ this social network can create events, post and invite your friend @ sa participate in . An event can be anything from a birthday party at a briefing, to a concert or event of any type of activity that requires the participation of user @ s otr @ s. To create a Facebook event, follow these steps:
  • Enter your Facebook account with your e-mail and password .
  • Profile Log in to your and look between your lashes ( Wall, Information, Links, Photos ...) referred to Events .
  • If you do not see the tab but you have added, look for it by Click on the arrow you'll find at the end of your list of tabs.
  • If it still does not appear, click on the plus sign and incorporate it into your profile by clicking on it.
  • If you find it easier, you can also access the application of Events from the left menu of Home page .
  • Click Create an event.
  • Complete the form with Title the event, the place which held, and the date and time of Home and Completion . Choose
  • Privacy the event: it can be Open (everyone can see it, join it and invite other people), Closed (tod @ s see it, but the content is only displayed Invite to @ s @ s, it is necessary to receive an invitation or request) or Secret (just see the people invited, it is necessary to receive an invitation). Click
  • Create Event.
  • Add the event an image from your computer by clicking Browse .
  • Select a Category and type for your event that reflects the content. Paragraph
  • Description, type all the details of the event: what consisirá, who will attend, whether to contact someone, etc.
  • Event Options In decide whether or not you enable the Wall, videos, blogs and photos, if you can only upload content or the event creator also invite other l @ s @ s, if you allow them to bring friends @ s; and if you make the guest list @ s public.
  • Click Save and Continue .
  • If you wish, you can publish the event on your wall to see what your friends tod @ s @ s, clicking Post . If you prefer to wait, click on Ignore .
  • Finally, selected from your friends @ s @ s that'd like to invite to the event you are creating. You can also invite people through their emails and add a personal message attached to the invitation.
  • When you have it, click Send invitations in .

And you already have created Facebook event! If everything went correctly, you will come to your event page, where you'll see all the information you added, and Facebook will inform you that your invitations have been sent.

As your guests @ s begin to respond to them, see their responses reflected in the page of your event. Over the wall to find Confirmed guests, ie, people who attend the event. On the right, under the label Other Guests , you'll see that @ s that maybe attending , which have declined the invitation ( not attending), and those who have not responded (response Pending).

can Share the event, ie, publish it on your wall and in the list of News @ s tod @ s your friend, at any time. You can also Export event data or directly Print the guest list.

If the event is unchanged, access the page and make the appropriate changes from the Edit Event option. If, for any why the event is canceled, you can delete from the option Cancel Event of the page. In either case, invite other l @ s @ s @ s will be informed automatically by Facebook.

Still, if you want to connect directly with people you have invited to the event, you can use the option Send a Message guests.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How Long Does Gingerbread Dough Keep

Connecting Arduino

need for this exercise:

The connections do as follows.
negative lead (black), which in my servo is brown, the GND pin .
Positive (red) to pin 5V .
Control Cable (white), which in my servo is yellow, the pin PWM9.

Do To view images click on the word and it will open another window to see the code and click where it says Do you code and redirected to where it is written.

For any questions write a comment and try to help you.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Where To Aim Shootgun At Ducks

Set up a Picasa account

I remind you that Picasa Web is a service image storage which can be accessed free of charge, if you have an account Google . This service has been multiple entries on this blog, where he explained somo upload, organize and publish images. Now we will see a not insignificant aspect of our Picasa account which is usually forgotten very often: the settings.

To set up a Picasa account, follow these steps:
  • Log into your account with your username and password @ .
  • find in the menu above right, click on Settings .
  • The first tab you see is the General . In it, we can set the name (pseudonym ) and the web address (URL ) in our gallery, the avatar (Image ) of our profile and Language you view your account.
  • The URL can only be our username @ de Google or ID ourselves. In general, it is preferable to use the first, which is more personal, unless we want to maintain some anonymity.
  • can also choose Translate Automatically comments user @ s otr @ s do to the image and allow or sending photos via email . If you enable the latter option, we introduce a secret word , consisting of a minimum of 6 characters (letters or numbers), which form part of the email address you use to make the shipment. If the secret word out abc123 and our user names on Google @ Random , e-mail that would have to send our photos would azar.abc123 @
  • The second tab refers to the e-mail notifications Picasa can send us in the case or comment that some users @ we add to your favorites. Likewise we can choose to receive a daily newsletter or none.
  • The third tab is for setting options our Privacy and Permissions . Recall that the privacy of the images you choose, individually, for each album we believe.
  • Here we can decide whether to allow labeling people ( name tags) in our photos, if we want to display information location thereof, or if l @ s visitors can order prints of them or download the.
  • addition, we must decide what rights we apply to our images, if not be reused (all rights reserved), or they can be used, under what conditions (according to license Creative Commons ).
  • Finally, the Storage tab shows the space occupied by the images we've uploaded to Picasa and what we have available. Remember that Google provides 1Gb \u200b\u200bof free storage for Picasa (which is shared with our accounts and Blogger Buzz ). If you need more, we'll have to buy it. Google offers additional 20Gb more than the reasonable amount of $ 5 per year.

To make your configuration changes take effect, remember to click Save Changes before leaving your Picasa account.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Science Museum Atm Bank Forgotten Pin

added to the directory user @ s Twitter WeFollow

If you want to promote your Twitter profile , get more visitors to it and gain new followers @ s / as , you should consider adding your account to various user directories @ s Twitter. There are many (we'll see in future posts), but perhaps the most popular is We Follow.

WeFollow categorizes Twitter user @ s as tags or labels . Inclusion in this directory is manual, ie the actual people have to enter user @ page WeFollow in and add your data, specifying @ username, password, location and five issues of (which would be the tags or keywords.)

To add you, so free, directory user @ s of WeFollow Twitter, follow these steps:
  • Visit website WeFollow:
  • Click the Add button yourself, it's free! (Añádete, it's free!) You'll find pop-up welcome.
  • @ If you are not connected to your twitter account, sign in typing your username and password @ , and click on Login . @ If you're connected, you'll be taken directly to the next step.
  • Click on Allow to enable WeFollow access to your Twitter account. Then you will be redirected back @ page WeFollow.
  • WeFollow Fill out the form with your location (Location ) and your interests (Interests ). The location refers to the place from which tweet, for example, your city, your county and your country. Reflect the interests five main topics on which you write, in my case would be computing, Internet, technology, blogs and social networks. No need to complete the five sections but it is recommended, as this will appear in more categories of WeFollow and therefore will have more chances of being found. Under
  • Tweet to complete get a preview of what will be the tweet to inform your followers / as you've built WeFollow directory.
  • You can choose to follow the Twitter account WeFollow itself for updates on the service if it tick @ WeFollow Follow on Twitter for updates on new features etc.. comes checked by default. If you're interested, click over to clear it.
  • If you want your Twitter page is automatically redirected to your profile check the box WeFollow Update my Twitter URL to be my profile WeFollow. This is NOT recommended, therefore, not the Marquis. If you want your profile visible WeFollow, it is preferable that you include your URL or web address on the Web section or in the Biography your Twitter profile. This is optional.
  • To complete your entry in the directory WeFollow click on Send! Add me to WeFollow (Enviar! add me to WeFollow).

If all goes well, you'll see a message congratulating you ( Congrats ) for your introduction to WeFollow, where also appear different categories ( Tags ) in your Twitter profile has been added.

WeFollow is also a good tool for finding users @ s interesting to follow from your Twitter account. If you want to use for this purpose, follow these steps:
  • Enter the website WeFollow:
  • Click on the button Not now, just browsing (Not now, I'm just browsing) you'll find pop-up welcome.
  • Up in Enter a tag (Enter a label), type the topic or category that interests you (eg, art) and click on the magnifying glass icon or press the Enter key on your keyboard to search.
  • come to a page with two lists: Most Influential show you to the Twitter user @ s most influential within the category you searched for; Most Followers show you to have the most fans / as.
  • you must click on the name of an @ user to take you to your profile WeFollow , which find their number of followers / as ( Followers) the number of profiles that follows ( Following ) and the number of updates (Updates ). You will also see their labels or interests (Interests ) and popularity ranking occupying about the same in the directory WeFollow. If you want to follow to the / user @, click on Follow this user .