Thursday, October 25, 2007

Amylase In Acidic Conditions

Teaching Profession information technologies and new educational paradigm

information technologies and the new educational paradigm
Maria de las Nieves Alva Smith Coordinator of International Relations Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico


says the technology is not determined by society, nor society dictates the course of technological change. Technology is a living part of society and both elements are fed, invent and reinvent themselves in an endless spiral.

Today, a technological revolution based on the development of information technology is changing the very basis of societies. These are Information Technology integrating the world into global networks. In a few years, have generated significant economic, political, technological and social changes have created what Manuel Castells calls "The Network Society." [1]

The "Network Society" goes beyond the use of a computer connected to the Internet. The "Network Society" implies a fundamental transformation of social roles, national boundaries, culture, knowledge and information. It is precisely the knowledge and information, the two "magic words" of this new social paradigm.

Thus, the context in which education operates has changed and will dramatically transformed. Therefore, education must play a redefinition. We need to reflect on the possibilities that information technologies offer in education.
New Paradigm of Education.

In the XXI century, is permanence in change and transformation. The permanent change is the rule in the "Information Age." That which causes instability evolves, crisis and is destined to disappear. This new environment creates specific needs in society that education must meet in order to adapt to an environment where the only constant is change.

We must not forget that education reaches into its ultimate goals the training of the human being understood as a creature of needs, abilities and potential. Seeks to intervene in the cognitive (knowledge) Axio (values) and Motor (Skills and Skills) to improve the quality of life. [2]
The new "Information Age" requires education to change from their bases to get students with comprehensive training and as part of it, the ability to "learn to learn, do, live and live together. " [3] Today, an "educated" person should be above all and above all flexible. Flexibility to adapt to new situations, learn new skills, challenge old paradigms is necessary for survival.

The "educated" person should not only "know" the educated person should have the skill, ability and desire to learn and adapt to new surroundings every day. The intelligence lies not only in the ability to solve a problem, but the ability to adapt in a shared world. In addition, the twenty-first century student must develop skills that allow you to search, analyze, integrate and use information in a continuous and interdependent. Learning the new century must not only be dynamic and real learning of the new century must also be focused on creating new knowledge.

to achieve this sort of people who are flexible to adapt and operate in a context of constant change, responsive to the challenges of changing technology, culture and society, the educational process should be redefined.

In the new paradigm of education, the student must stop being a passive element in the learning process - learning. The student must now be an active element in the process of acquiring knowledge. It is true that there are many learning styles as students. Regardless, it is necessary that within the new model of teaching students to develop the skills necessary to succeed in today's society.
addition to the above, the new educational model must focus on learning motivation, problem solving and collaborative work. The ability to work in groups, based on defined projects are also of great importance in the new economic and social context.

The student in the XXI century should be:

Responsible for their own learning process.
An individual participatory and collaborative.
An individual capable of self-reflection and generation of knowledge.

paraphrase the Nobel Prize Gabriel García Márquez "We that conditions are ripe as ever for social change and that education will be its master. An education from the cradle to the grave, unhappy and reflective, to inspire us a new way of thinking, who we are in a society that wants itself. To channel to life the immense creative energy that for centuries we have wasted on the depredation and violence, and we open the second opportunity on earth that had the unfortunate race of Colonel Aureliano Buendia. For the prosperous country we dream of reach of children. "[2]

Information technologies as a support to the new educational paradigm
The incorporation of technology in modern life has created international communication networks, new "virtual spaces" for knowledge and human interactions, despite the distance.

However we must not forget that information technologies are first and foremost, tools. You must understand this in order to assign proper weight. Information Technology then should align with strategies, content and education needs. Once we understand this principle, we can work to capitalize on the universe of possibilities presented by new technologies.

tools understood as information Computers, Internet, satellite networks, databases, virtual teaching platforms, etc. really provide the opportunity to create alternative and creative processes of learning where the teacher loses its leading role, in which students play a proactive role and where the physical distance gradually loses its importance.

With the advent of the Internet, the barriers between the classroom and the outside world begin to collapse as teachers and students establish direct connections in a forum that presents them as virtual equals.

According to Professor Manuel Maria Moreira of the University of La Laguna, some of the more substantive pedagogical changes that cause the use of computer networks in the field of higher education are as follows: [4]
telematics networks enable the college to extend social groups that for various reasons can not access classrooms.

This is one of the most interesting effects of information technology in the service of education: breaking the barriers of time and space to develop teaching and learning activities. Now it is possible that universities make offers courses and study programs so that different virtual people based on age, profession or distance can not attend mainstream classrooms, pursue these studies.
The network breaks the monopoly of the teacher as the main source of knowledge.

In the old educational paradigm, the teacher was the only reference for access to knowledge. The teacher had the monopoly of expertise in the subject. Today, the Internet, lets break this monopoly of knowledge. With the Internet, the student has available literature, the agenda, or documentation of many universities. Thus, the university learning process becomes a permanent search, analysis and editing of information and the teacher becomes a tutor who oversees the student's learning process.

The use of computer networks in education require increased autonomy of the student body of information technologies require an educational model characterized by an open and flexible learning understood as the student's ability to set their own pace and intensity of learning.

networks substantially transform the ways and means and times of interaction between teachers and students.
New technologies allow to considerably increase the amount of communication between teacher and students irrespective of time and space. With such networks this interaction may occur synchronously (via videoconference or via chat) or asynchronous (e-mail or discussion forum). This means that any student can ask a question, post a job, perform a search or make a contribution to their teachers from anywhere and at any time.

Internet allows and encourages collaboration between teachers and students beyond the physical boundaries and academics from the university to which they belong.
communication systems and information sharing made possible through computer networks (WWW, chat, e-mail, ftp, video, forums, etc..) facilitate groups of students and / or teachers constitute virtual communities for collaboration on specific issues or fields of study. In this way any teacher can get in touch with colleagues from other universities and educational experiences of collaborative planning among their students.

Thus, among the conventional classroom and opportunities to access learning materials from anywhere via telecommunications there is a whole range of possibilities. It is, ultimately, to increase educational opportunities. Conclusions

Access to cyberspace and become part of society network is a challenge. The challenge is, among other things, redefining the processes and assumptions of teaching and learning so far have had. There is no longer a single "master of information." The paradigm has changed. Now they say that information wants to be free, since it seeks to grow and develop through the combined efforts of hundreds and thousands of people working in harmony, regardless of physical distance, through a virtual platform.

An educational technology means not only an educational program to transfer a technology platform or virtual. To speak of efficient use of information technologies in education have to address the issue of self-centered generation of knowledge, the result of collaborative work between virtual communities of students, teachers and the community.
insertion tools and processes information in our educational system offers many possibilities, but this does not mean it is the panacea. We must be realistic and consider that behind any educational system are the people ... that behind every computer is a student, a teacher, a participant and as such, relationships do not lose their importance. Similarly, academic content does not lose its value. What happens is a process change, ways and circumstances. If we understand the technologies of the information in this way, we can innovate and create opportunities for discussion and collective learning that is inclusive ground of the Global Village that we build. References

• Castells, Manuel, "The Network Society: The Information Age, vol. 1 ", Alianza Editorial, (1997)
• Ossa Cardona, Guillermo. "Educational Trends for the XXI Century Virtual Education, Online learning and @ elements for discussion." Edutec. Http:// (May 16, 2003)
• UNESCO, 1998
• Moreira, Manuel Area, "What brings Internet to change teaching in higher education?" Universidad de la Laguna. Http:// (May 27, 2003)
• Melgar, Ivonne. "They call to transform education." The Mural, National section. Grupo Reforma Servicio Informativo. Saturday April 19, 2003. Http:// (May 15, 2003)
• JOIN "JOIN model" . asp? it_id = 34 & sec_id = 36 & = 0 com_ (May 27, 2003) • JOIN "Annual Report 2002." Http:// (May 27, 2003)


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