Sunday, October 31, 2010

Why Does My Body Produce Too Much Blood

Recipe for egg flan

As I was bored this afternoon and had the ingredients ready, the I have been craving to make my own egg custard. Is not the first time I do so I'll leave it safe to perfect.

here are the ingredients:

-5 medium eggs.
condensed milk -1 tin of about 370g.
-2 ½ cups of whole milk.

How to prepare:

Put the eggs in a container that allows us to beat them with an electric mixer (to make it faster.) We then add the whole can of condensed milk and immediately the 2 and a half cups of milk or can even use the can, now empty, to add content in milk 3 cans. Beat again to make it a homogeneous mixture and pour into a container that can withstand the oven temperature. In my case I bought a cheapie mold in the mall.

We take a larger container fill the pan halfway up the flan water to the "bath" and we put in the oven at 190 degrees for 1 hour without browning function as it could burn a little above. The last 5 minutes we can turn the top element and to give the golden touch in the upper layer.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Fotos D Mulheres Nuas Lesbicas

Blogger comments configuration

One of the things l @ s @ s users tend to neglect after the creation of our accounts is to configure them. It is important to review, especially the section on privacy if we are entering into social networks. blogging platforms like Blogger, we can customize many features on our blog from the Settings tab . Then we will see referred to Comments .
  • Comments: If we show ( Show ) comments from our blog, they will be visible to all visitors; if hide ( Hide ), no. Note that the comments can still perform, only that it can be seen. If we want to prevent the occurrence of feedback, we may use input options to find the bottom of the page Posting where, after clicking above, you see the option Customer reviews> Do not allow .
  • Who Can comments: controlling who is allowed to comment on your blog. Anyone allows everyone to comment, even anonymously. This option, a priori, ensures greater number of comments than the others, but also more vulnerable to spammers . Registered users only issues permits to those who have accounts created on LiveJournal , WordPress, TypePad , AIM or OpenID . Users with Google accounts and , only those who have an account with this service. And Only members of this blog , to that user @ sa @ s which you grant them permission to access the blog (you are invited from Settings> Permissions ).
  • location form comments: If you choose full page, visitors must click on the link Post a comment entry page to reach your comment Blogger. Lost the reference input content unless click on Show original entry . Popup works the same except that, instead of opening a full page, leaving your blog, it opens a small window above the blog. The preferred option whenever possible (depending on the template you use and or not you have post pages enabled, since Settings> file), it is often embedded Entry then, since your visitors will be able to comment without having to click on any link and without leaving your blog.
  • default option comments for entries: new entries decides whether or not they comment. Your choice is irrelevant, since it does not affect the blog.
  • backlinks : English, backlinks. Are the links that receive your tickets from other blogs or websites. Sample ( Show ) if you want your visitors know who you are linking, or hide it (Hide ) if prefer to preserve this information. This does not mean that the links are created. If you want help, go to Posting > Input Options> backlinks> Do not allow .
  • default option backlinks for entries: new entries are backlinks or not. Like irrelevant comments.
  • Time Format comments: displays the menu and choose one of the many options for dating the time that comments are made.
  • Message feedback form: allows you to add a small custom text that appears just below Post a comment entry, for example, encourage your visitors to comment or thank you. The same message will appear on all your entries.
  • Comment Moderation: Allows you to review the comments before they are published. Facilitates the removal of spam or offensive or inappropriate, they will not be viewed by your readership. always enable this feature. Never off (all comments will be published without you I can filter before). Only entries posted more than X days active moderation for posts old (you decide how many days). In Email can write your e-mail to Blogger send you a message when someone who is not a member of the blog enter a comment so we can monitor it more quickly.
  • Show word verification for comments : verification of the word (in English, captcha ) are those characters that l @ s @ s users must write to perform certain actions on the web (such as creating accounts, etc. .) and that set us apart from the machines, which are unable to read. It is a system security to prevent spam . Yes activate this system. not turn it off. Please note that some of your visitors may choose not to comment on my blog if they encounter this step, because sometimes the characters are unintelligible and cause frustration.
  • Show profile images on comments : if visitors who comment on your blog have an account created in one of the services accepted by Blogger (see Who Can comments in this very post) and have added a profile photo, that image will be displayed next to your name and comment. Some templates do not support this option. Yes active and not deactivated.
  • Email notification of comments : to monitor and respond to feedback quickly, because Blogger sends you a message every time your blog gets a comment. If you are the sole author of the blog now, simply type your e-mail , if you are a team of editors / as (you can add author / s from Settings> Permissions ), you can include up to 10 email addresses, separated by commas.

Remember to click on Save Settings when you made all your changes.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Partial Volume Of An Elliptical Head

2 º SAL witch good Tilda

I did not have time to publish the first objective of SAL the good witch Tilda organized by the blog Tilda's Home . So here is the 2 º goal. I love this witch. Is super nice and done in a jiffy. There is only the view and and we ready to encourage any corner of our house.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dream Of Fingering A Woman

Girl sitting reading

Hey girls, you have not posted but that does not give me the hours ... On this occasion, I want to show how I have been this figure of alabaster that my brother gave me for my birthday and finally I dared to get their hands on. I'm happy with the result although I think I could have done better.