Monday, June 14, 2010

Interview Subject Etiquette

Using Blogger template designer

Blogger, the hosting service and publish blogs Google has finally launched its announced Template Designer . This tool is useful for everyone s what user @ s @ s who want to customize the look of your blog and have no knowledge of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), the language used to define Internet how to display the content of the pages.

So far, l @ s Blogger User @ s had only a small number of default templates, rather simple and quite old, they could customize slightly from item Design your Desktop . Although the number of templates has not increased too, so have other options we can set personal preferences .

worth noting, though, that if you are using an alternative template customized by the user @ @ propylene or downloaded from the Internet, it is likely that we can not use these new options (or only a small part of them .) In this case, if we change the design of any aspect of our blog, we must resort, as usual, paragraph Layout> Edit HTML , or new Add CSS the Advanced tab Designer templates.

To access Designer Blogger Templates, follow these steps: Enter
  • Blogger with your username and password @. Arriving at
  • Desktop, you will surely see a message that informs you about the new functionality: New! template designer.
  • Click on the section of the blog design you want to modify (in case you have more than one).
  • Now click on the Template tab Designer.

WARNING: Although the changes we're making in your squad are not final until you decide apply, is advisable to use a secondary blog (ie, not the main blog where he published regularly) to test this functionality, especially if you do it for the first time. Thus, if you mess up and apply the changes in error and do not like the result, will not lose your original template of the blog that really matters. If you prefer, you can also make a backup copy of the template and the content of your blog principal, to restore the changes you made and you do not like [this will be explained in a future entry].

Then let's see, one by one, the chances of Blogger Templates Designer :
  • templates, find the different designs that Blogger offers. We can see our blog would simply click upon them. Note also that each design has several variants (found just below) that we can also prove the same way.
  • From Fund, we can choose the paint colors Home our blog, ie the range of colors we use for your design. We can modify it by clicking above and choose the basic color (by clicking on it) in the which will build the range. We also have Suggested Topics , that is, those sets of colors that Blogger believes can go well with our staff.
  • Within this section, we can also add a Background to the blog, ie, a photograph that will be below the inputs and lateral columns of the same ( or, if the template is transparent, so merged). Different background images that Blogger offers are classified by subject (abstract, artistic, business, entertainment, etc). To select a of them, we just click above and press the Done button .
  • If we want to restore your blog, or delete the changes we've been doing, we just have to click on Use default background colors and .
  • Paragraph
  • Design is perhaps the most interesting and has three different options. The Corps Blog Design used to determine the position of inputs and lateral columns of the same, and the gender distribution of gadgets (the concrete, we will continue providing from Layout> Page Elements ). We can choose between a free blog sidebars, with one or two sidebars, and the same position (left, right or both sides), etc.
  • Regardless of body design blog that we have chosen, we can define what will be the design Footer, ie the appearance of the bottom of the blog. We can use one set of gadgets , two or three.
  • The last of the options design allows us to adjust the width of Full Blog (entries and columns, with respect to the bottom of the blog, ie, the space used to input content) of the left sidebar and Barra Right side (if we only had a bar or column, only allow us to adjust it).
  • can erase our latest changes by clicking on Reset to default width of the template .
  • And finally, we enter the Advanced section . Despite its name, most Parameters of this block are easy to configure (type, style and font size, background colors, links, etc.).. Their presence or absence, and the options of each block will depend, yes, of the features that have previously elected in the remaining paragraphs. Therefore, it is a category variable.
  • Here, we find configurable options for the text of the page , the Funds , the Links the Blog Title the Tab Text, the Lash Fund The Title of Entry the Input Style , the Gadgets the Footer , the Links to Footer , and Accents . [Click here to view screen shots]
  • the end of the long list, find the option Add CSS, allowing us to make additional modifications, for example, add a custom image to the bottom, center the title of the blog, etc. Blogger offers a small guide on how to make these changes, but the use of this section is only recommended for user @ s @ s who know this language.
  • Finally, remark that by clicking on Show Preview , we see a complete view of how our blog would be the parameters that we have been choosing, and to return to see the designer options templates, we'll just click on Show Controls.
  • When you're happy with your new design, do not forget to click on Apply to Blog .


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