Monday, March 29, 2010

How To Unlock The Mailbox On A Nortel

Add to Delicious bookmarklets browsers

The bookmarklets allow save, simply and immediately, we are visiting those pages, and we are interesting in our account Delicious . Thanks to them, you can simply click on the button on Delicious Bookmark to open the form you must complete to save our link. Of course, we will have to be previously connected @ sa our Delicious account or do so now.

To add Delicious bookmarklets to your web browser, follow these steps:
  • Log into your account Delicious with your username and password @ .
  • find in the menu above right, click on Help (Help).
  • paragraph Search Need tools? (Need tools?) And click on Bookmarking buttons and add-ons for your website or browser (and plug-dial buttons for your browser or your website).
  • Under the first heading, click on Any Browser Bookmarklet buttons for (dial buttons for any browser).
  • page In Bookmarklets that you will find instructions for installing your button dialing web browsers Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome Opera and .

Both recommended that Delicious bookmarklets used are:
  • Bookmark on Delicious : This performs the function mentioned at the beginning of the entry, save links to your Delicious account from the website you're visiting. Is the one I recommend to use.
  • My Delicious : bookmarklet used to access the contents of your Delicious account. Optional.
the end of the paragraph page is bookmarklets Extra, which offers the possibility of installing buttons with additional features:
  • Bookmark on Delicious (Full Save) used to store your favorite links to full screen, is say, opens the same form you use when you click on Save to Bookmark from inside your Delicious account, instead of the standard bookmarklet popup. Bookmark
  • History shows the history of mark on the page you are visiting, or what users have previously saved, what notes and what labels.
  • The Randomizer Button takes you to a random page on Delicious saved. Very similar to the "star" of other social bookmarking service, Stumble Upon .

Then we

to see, step by step the installation process Delicious bookmarklet in Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome . I tried also in Internet Explorer but although the installation was successful when trying to use the button receiving an error message. Installing

bookmarklet in Firefox :
  • Open the browser.
  • menu, click on View .
  • Place the mouse cursor over Toolbar and check the option Toolbar markers.
  • From the installation page Delicious bookmarklets, see the section on Firefox.
  • Click on Bookmark on Delicious and hold the mouse button, drag it to the bookmarks toolbar that just opened (you will find it just below the address bar).
  • Release the mouse button.

Installing the bookmarklet in Chrome :
  • Open the browser.
  • At upper right, click on the icon tool shape . Click on
  • Always show bookmarks bar .
  • From the installation page Delicious bookmarklets, see the section on Chrome.
  • Click on Bookmark on Delicious and hold the mouse button, drag it to the bookmarks bar that just opened (you will find it just below the address bar).
  • Release the mouse button.

As you can see, the process is very easy and similar for all browsers except Internet Explorer.

From now on, when you're on a page you want to save to your Delicious account, you only have to click on Bookmark on Delicious and fill out the form with:
  • URL (Web address): the automatically detected. Title
  • (Contact person): almost always detected automatically. Notes
  • (Description of link): if you want, you can add it manually. Tags
  • (Tags or keywords): It is recommended that you add. You can use labels recommended ( Recommended ), popular (Popular ) or other.
  • To finish, click Save (Save).

And you have your link saved in your account Delicious!


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