Monday, March 15, 2010

Pathophysiology Ofcellulitis Diagram

Delicious Add tags Picasa albums to Facebook

UPDATE: This application has been discontinued by its developers and you can not add Picasa albums to Facebook (see comments on this post for more information.)

If you have a Picasa account and want to show your photo albums to your Facebook profile , application Picasa Web Album makes it easy. In this way, you avoid having to upload all your pictures to Facebook so your friends can see @ s of this network. Just follow these steps:
  • Enter your Facebook account with your address e-mail and password .
  • Visit Picasa Web Album and click Go implementation.
  • Click on Allow to allow application access to your account.
  • Under Enter your Picasa username enter your username @ Picasa and click OK .
  • If you have a second account in Picasa will also want to link with Facebook, writes the name of the secondary under Your account Picasa and re-click on OK . If you have a second account or do not want to include it, skip this step. Optional.
  • If you have included a second account, decide if you want to enable it on Facebook or not choosing the option Yes (Yes) or No (No) from under Enable your secondary account.
  • The application will inform you that your account has been associated with success ( Your account is setup Correctly ). Note that you have not had to give your password to Picasa, which is always an advantage.
  • Now click on Add to profile to include your Picasa albums on your Facebook Wall.
  • In the popup window, choose whether to display your albums on one of the tabs at the top of your wall (Wall and Info Tab ) or in a box in the left column of your Wall ( Boxes Tab) . Click
  • Add .

And presto, you have your Picasa albums inserted into your Facebook profile! Now just finish determine which location you want to put your box or your tab and, when you do, click on Keep (Keep). If you do not like it, you can click on Remove (Remove) and try again.


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