A good way to quickly and easily find information that usually queries from your Delicious account is to use subscriptions. Subscriptions allow you to view the most recent links l @ s @ s users have uploaded Delicious with a particular tag or keyword . You can add all subscriptions to tags as you wish, creating a list of things you find interesting, accessible and orderly. To do this, follow these steps:
If you subscribe to a large number of labels You might want to create groups ( Bundles ) to organize them by theme or broader categories, thereby reducing the length of your list. To create subscription sets, follow these steps:
- Log into your account Delicious with your username and password @ . Click on
- Subscriptions (Subscriptions).
- In the menu at the top right click on Add a subscription (Add a subscription).
- Under Tag writes the name of the label that you want to subscribe.
- If you want to subscribe only to the links a user @ concret @ is keeping with the label, check the box From a specific user and enter the user name @ below User Name .
- In either case, to keep your subscription, click on Add (Add).
- your subscription will automatically be added to a list that will be named All Subscriptions .
- If you hover your mouse over a subscription and you click on the pencil icon (Edit ) can modify the subscription data or delete (Remove ). When you have made your changes, click Save (Save). If you are suppressing your subscription, please confirm your action by clicking on Yes (Yes).
- From the Options tab (Options) you can add or edit more subscriptions ( Add or edit subscriptions.)
- If you want to add new subscriptions, write the name of the tag (Tag ) and, optionally, the user @ ( User Name ) fields below and click on Add (Add).
- If you want to modify or delete an existing subscription click on Edit or Remove respectively.
If you subscribe to a large number of labels You might want to create groups ( Bundles ) to organize them by theme or broader categories, thereby reducing the length of your list. To create subscription sets, follow these steps:
- From page Subscriptions (Subscriptions) click on Options (Options). Click on
- Manage subscription bundles (Manage subscription sets).
- To create your first group click on Create .
- Under Subscription bundle name type the name of the subscription set that you are generating.
- Check the labels to which you subscribe ( Subscriptions ) you want included in that group by clicking on the box located in front of his name.
- the list you'll find on the right with the title Bundle of Preview (Preview of the group) will see the tabs that you include in the group.
- When finished click on Save (Save).
- For example, I created a group called Web Design (Web Design) and I added the tags CSS, Flash, HTML, JavaScript and WebDesign.
- Manage Subscription Bundles From (Manage subscription sets) you can still create ( Create ) more groups, and you can also modify (Edit ) or delete (Remove ) the groups have already created.
- After you create your groups, view subscriptions ( Subscriptions ) will show a new tab with the name of Subscription Bundles (subscription sets) from where you can access your tags grouped. All Subscriptions tab (All Subscriptions) will allow you to still see your favorite labels individually.
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