Saturday, January 29, 2011

Fell On Elbow Swollen And Painful

Scratch Course - Chapter 1

Well we're here with the first chapter of the course that you parents going to teach your children to program a computer using Scratch.

As you read this you should always entrance where you tell it what you will teach your child. The video can be used as teaching materials and show the child, is designed for it, but no entry in the blog, which are instructions for you.

In this chapter we will teach the child the following:

1. What is a computer. Without going into too much detail. I have defined as a machine that runs programs. There are many types of computers, from a desktop via a laptop to play Nintendo with that. Everything is computers.

2. That is a program. Is a set of instructions that performs the computer. I put the example of when you give instructions your children to perform services. Do focus on this issue and the importance of the order in which instructions are performed. For example, go to the door, open the door and out the door. That is the correct order because if I say, go to the door, out the door and opens the door ... Slap ZAS.

3. Description Scratch environment. Without much detail. The display of execution, the program and how to select blocks.

4. As a paste, delete, duplicate blocks. That they learn to use, but you have to be there to show it because you do not learn watching a video.

5. Block "by pressing flag." We must always indicate where the program starts.

6. Block Move X steps. " Showing the difference between 100 steps of a sudden jump or 4 breaks of 50, for example.

7. Blocks of sound. The cat's meow for and the drum.

8. The "Compass Rose" to indicate directions to the objects. If it is small and does not know angles are numbers indicating tell him directions. Do not enter into details. Always keep your hand drawing. My 8 year old daughter caught him quickly, but it did not go into details. "If we want to go put down 180, and is without details.

9. Block "Aim at XX."

10. Block "Wait X seconds."

11. Save our work. File - Save As ...

12. Create a new project. File - New

13. Use objects other than the kitten.

14. Solving exercises. Two programs show in the video. In one video you will have to stop when indicated to you to complete the child, but to make the kids do the program while (or after) the story in the video. In addition you must Invent other programs using the blocks we've seen. Programs that are not long since become bored. At the end I suggest an exercise for next week.

Well, first you behold the video and then started to scratch it you put the child to see it with you.

Luck, depends somewhat the child you engage in the activity, but the kitten mewing for help. In parallel you should show on the computer and start the Scratch.

So next week we will learn to use loops. By the way ... my daughter did not use the word "loop" and it was quite funny as you said at first, but as I say it will be next week.

To see the video you can click here.

For any questions contact me on Twitter as @ tejedor1967.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Lotrimin Cream Seborrheic

paintings made of glass and candle tray brooches and bracelets

This tray with his candle was a gift for a friend for her birthday. He loved it. The details really are super cool and very fast to make, once you wear.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

How Much Does Cataract Surgery Cost In Hyderabad

Scratch Course - Video Chapter 0

As promised here is the first video to Chapter 0 of the programming course for children. This video is aimed at the person who will teach and is only to show the possibilities of scratch in three simple examples. To learning to move through the programming environment.

I recommend you to download the Scratch and with the help of video you comencéis to manage with it because it is not good that the kids end up knowing more than you use, right?

You can download the program from the MIT Web dedicated to Scratch and as I told you that bajareis version is multi-language and only have to decide on the system you are going to work either Mac OS X, Windows or Ubuntu. I've seen pages where they say as running in other Linux using Wine. Look for Google if that's your case.

Although I include the video, it's best to go see it on YouTube by clicking this link view it is better to read large blocks of programming that we use.

The video lasts about 25 minutes. Quiet, videos for children will be shorter.

The operation that I have thought is to make a blog post for teachers / parents which explain the concepts then either yourself or using the video that you can enclose explain to children and play with them. End

saying that my daughter has already received the first lesson (I will publish next week) and I loved it. Is excited and has literally spent all morning doing programs with the few concepts that clearly include them in the first chapter.

In my Twitter account'll notice the output of the following chapters and videos so I recommend that you become followers. The account is @ tejedor1967.

Animo and see how they enjoy. I leave you with the video tutorial on Scratch, and I hope you forgive me "amaterismo."

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Create Your Own Wrestling Cloth

Teaching Children program (Chapter 0) My five favorite songs

After thinking a bit I decided to teach me to program my 8 year old daughter.

"Reason? Why not. At the end is an activity which has been interested and it seems relatively feasible.

Now, what does it mean for a child of 8 years to learn to program? I thought a while about this. I thought about that math level only able to add, subtract, multiply, just learned to divide and now are starting to teach fractions. Why do I consider their level of math? Not because we need much mathematics to schedule today. Previously if you needed something more, but not today. The question is programming exercises that I can send.

But this led me to reflect on what language you teach. I first teach BASIC (using QuickBasic or something similar). At the end of the day it was the first thing I learned, but with 14 years not to 8. Then he planned to pass it from BASIC to Visual Basic, Real Basic as the programming today has to do with the graphic, windows, etc ... but I thought maybe I could make that step a few months would be complex. This led me to return back to my arguments and I thought if the BASIC call attention to a child who is already playing with the Wii or the DS, all graphics. Then I thought

LOGO. The LOGO programming language has so many older the BASIC, but is aimed at learning how to move a turtle across the screen. Then they go putting more concepts. But back to the same ... Will it be able to call attention to a "turtle" is not just a triangle on the screen? Painting no.

In this I found a programming language based on Smalltalk, and designed by the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) to precisely program to teach children. The programming language and environment called Scratch. For those who do not speak English "start from scratch" means "fresh start" so the name seems appropriate.

Scratch is a programming environment where a single window see objects of the program (usually they are "sprites"), the code associated with these "sprites", language options and the execution window. Thus we have everything on hand.

programming itself is done by attaching colored blocks as if it were a LEGO construction. For example here is the code that causes the program to start and move the cat ten times, ten steps each time and turn 15 degrees. After 10 repetitions heard a meow and terminates the program.

Interestingly this method of adding programming blocks is very similar to that used on the Google App to schedule Inventor Android. The App Inventor is an environment for rapid development on Android and uses the same technique, albeit a bit more elaborate.

short. Teach a child to program 8 years? Yes, but if you really care. Scrath help the environment you are interested then you can create your own stories programming for each "sprite" behavior. So I'm going to embark on this project and I will count the results as well as concepts go telling that I teaching my daughter.

One important thing that I would. What is necessary for me to teach Japanese to my daughter? Obviously I know Japanese, otherwise it should send my daughter to school with someone who knows Japanese ... So by that same token I understand that it is reasonable to teach children to program if we set ourselves, although not in Scratch.

Can I be learning as I teach it? Obviously. But it depends on the parent's ability to learn. Always have to go several steps ahead. In principle to publish articles discussing the concepts I will explain later the child, but do not guarantee anything if the parent * has no prior knowledge of programming ... in any language.

We'll see who gets tired before, if I teach or learn it. I

Scratch left links. The program is available in Mac OS X, Windows and Ubuntu from the official website. You can make the blocks and the program is in many languages, including English. So the block "and wait to play sound XXX" may be called the "play sound XXX and wait."

page at MIT for Scratch. The page detects our language, but if not, in the upper right is a dropdown to select language. Includes

a English forum where we can discuss with other users.

Finally, I present the first "sprite" you learn to move in Scratch. Is this nice kitty.

* Father: I know some right-thinking mind tell me why do not you get a parent ... but good thinking that is what we do not seem to know that people are in Castilian the generic masculine is used, so if, if you are a mother interested in teaching your child ... or daughter ... transition element or program can do. :-P

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sample Invite For Career Fair

I want to show some clips I've been doing. The flower, made with black zipper and metal teeth, it is very cool and not at all difficult to do. I have to try other colors and other shapes. The other three, you see, are made with remnants of satellites, felt, wool ...
also wanted to show this bracelet knots, which I did in the summer, with string and beads made of wood, very light and goes well with everything.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Sample Donation Letters Music

OK, this is a personal blog so this post is personal but not about technology. There will be an entry where I tell what my five favorite songs.

The first by far is "Rescue Me" sung by Fontella Bass. It knows more than most version, almost identical, Aretha Franklin. But even though Aretha is my favorite singer I prefer the original version. This song has but not me out of the most depressed, although the letter is actually a sort of cry for help.

At number two is "My Way" sung by "The Voice", yes, Frank Sinatra. I like this song a lot. The letter makes me think and I would like the end of my life could be so sure of what I did as Franky. All of a will. A cry of "I removed it vailao" and "this is me and my circumstances."

At number three is "It's my life" by Bon Jovi. This song came into my repertoire not long ago by a friend and me is to remember that life has surprises and worth living, but the meaning of the letter is not that. Complicadilla was once where I had very worn "Rescue Me" and this friend lent me this song. Later I learned that John Bon Jovi is one of my wife's favorite artists, so hunky-dory.

Fourth is "Girl from Ipanema by Tom Jobim and Vinicius de Moraes. This song, which repeatedly has been little less than elevator music, I find it very inspiring. It is impossible not to see a beach in my mind as I listen. The story is known. Jobim and Vinicius were sitting one day near the beach and saw his friend pass Helo Pinheiro and inspired them the letter. Bosa Nova is my favorite, by far, despite being too popular as I say.

In the fifth place I put a song in English so they do not accuse me of anything. I was born in 67 so my earliest childhood was marked by what was heard on the radio, and until 1973 when he died in a traffic accident, King was Nino Bravo. I turned to him and more to recognize that he had a bozarrón and his themes were impressive. My favorite is "the party" in some places listed as "A kiss and a flower."

And these are my favorite songs. You can comment with yours. These are very personal.

By the way ... if he had not wanted to be as hopelessly politically correct and added Nino Bravo had put at number five "Is not No Montain High Enough" by Marvin Gaye and Tammy Terrell. At the time they recorded this video were a couple very much in love and you can tell. Then the story of Marvin Gaye and Tammy Terrell is pretty terrible. She in 1967 (the year I was born) was diagnosed with a brain tumor, actually fell into the arms of Marvin in full action. He died in 1970 (three days before the birth of my brother) after battling cancer with eight operations and a great physical and mental deterioration. Such was the desperation of Marvin lost his beloved who retired for years in a brutal depression.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Tgay Truth Or Dare Game Online

Buy, pull, purchase

Through Twitter I got the news from Engadget a documentary on TVE 2 that happened last night called "Buy, pull, buy." The film is about the concept of planned obsolescence.

Thanks to the excellent implementation of RTVE's website on film can be seen even if you lose a live. You can access these addresses and look for the documentary. Worth seeing.

If you have an iPad can see it here under "Programs"

If you go from your PC look for it in this other page

What is planned obsolescence? Basically is that the products come with an expiration date to be spoiled in a given time. In the documentary show several examples such as incandescent bulbs that lasted 1,000 hours or if the related documentary begins with inkjet printers.

For those coincidences of life, the weekend I saw the need to print a few years of my daughter for school and I have long broken printer. A very nice HP Laserjet that was fried by the grace of Iberdrola in my area has continued surge. When I called my insurance company said I should take to repair and had to write a technical report on the reasons for the break that once paid the bill the insurance company reimbursed me. Calling the service told me which if carried would repair them but the repairs would cost more than a new and clear, if the technical report, which they undertook to do, was not accepted by the insurance company I would be paying more for a printer repaired that a new one. Since I have no great need to print because the situation was in the air, not repair or buy new.

As the girl urged him to print his duty to return from vacation I took the memory lane of my printer ink. Using the trick of having the cartridges in the refrigerator so that I am not even going dry, as is the case, more than three years since the unpacking (I recommend the trick, put in a plastic bag with zip closure and let in the door in the area where you usually save the eggs or butter).

printer The printer was my principal when I was a PC with XP but then I caught the HP network connection and forget the ink only for printing in color. Okay, so I connect the Lexmark to my wife's PC with Windows 7 and by the installation CD. Surprise. Not supported in Windows 7. If in Vista, but not on Windows 7 and I have made several attempts at a low level and you know that my skills are good in these themes. Nothing to do. Well, no fear, I connect to my iMac and Lexmark by the installation CD. Surprise. Only supports up to version 10.5 of Mac OS X and I and I have the 10.6 (Snow Leopard).

A printer in perfect condition, with ammunition stored in the refrigerator well as the head of Walt Disney, but that has no driver or for Windows 7 or Snow Leopard. Coincidence? Let's see, are telling me that the 10.5 and the 10.6 or Vista and Windows 7 developers are so different that Lexmark could not get a version of the driver? No, the programmers are not the culprits. The culprit is planned obsolescence. As people like me who do not use enough so that the printer is "fault" as the documentary (watch it if you have not already seen) as manufacturers stop supporting their products.

A neighbor, ex-chief despite ex-partner and good friend to all that impressed me the duties of the child, but also recommended a shop in the polygon Europolis in Las Rozas de Madrid where he sold appliances and gadgets outlet. Outlet are products of past series, exhibitions, etc, which are sold at unbeatable prices and guaranteed for one year. London Street in the said estate have that store. Well I chose a color laser printer with ethernet connection LBP7200Cdn Canon model. Your PVP in stores is around 350 euros, is high end. To me it cost 99 euros, including cartridges.

Awesome right? For men, the problem is when I spent cartridges including it has 4, one black and three color and black-and costs 98 euros and 115 euros one color each. Indeed, more than 400 euros will cost me to reload the printer toner, or does the friend who introduced me to the store goes, buy another new outlet and go.

obsolescence. And the environment and resources of the planet, for that ... And the old woman away to finish in a landfill of Ghana, as in the documentary.

Hmmm ... "I have already recommended to see the wonderful documentary The 2? See it.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Cure Herpes In The Nose

Hat with detachable bobble

Hi girls, how about Christmas? Gradually we we incorporate tod @ sa daily routines. This hat is so colorful I've done to my son wanted to carry the colors of the flag reggae. The tassel has a button, so it is removable. I saw a hat that he bought my daughter and I found a great idea.