had seen some time ago in a blog called Homemade by jill a tutorial on how to recycle all those leftover paint Plastidecor of us are leaving our children and we keep in case ... but never used because they are too small. Well, I had a tray of hearts that had not used it yet and I started to collect all the leftover paint I had at home. Do not use those that are wax-like because it is not good. I had seen in some other blog that I warmed in the oven, so that's what I did. The smell is quite unpleasant. I guess it would be best to do it in a saucepan and, if possible, abroad.
The result has been great. These paintings have become unserviceable on sound and precious hearts with which you can paint anything you want because they do not seem to break or wear out. My little girl is thrilled with them. It can be an original gift for any child, especially because you can give the way you want. And having a heart can be up to a super nice little something for Valentine's Day. I hope you have enjoyed this recycling.
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