Course - Chapter 2
Well, we're here for another week. This time I managed to upload the video a day earlier so you can enjoy with your children / students on Saturday and / or Sunday teaching programming.
on video this week will solve the first year I raised last week, the plane's landing. I hope that your children may have found it difficult. Take this opportunity to remind you that these videos are simply support to initiate topics. It is important that, with the concepts explained each week, trabajéis with your students other examples and exercises that you can you invent. As you will understand with two or three examples in each video and do exercise a week is not enough for the child to pick up fluent in the concepts explained.
This week will see a single concept. Loops. A loop, so it can explain to your children, is what allows for a repeat next instruction or group instruction and on the other hand, of course, have to type less by not having to repeat things.
You can put them as an example an order yours. The sample without loop would be something like "picks up a stone, pick up a stone, pick up a stone" or instead as absurd would say "contains 3 stones on the ground." So we need not repeat orders.
Well, I leave you with the video. Since last week I recommended that you first see him to assimilate what we have and then you see the child. At home, my daughter is excited about the issue of scheduling and have mastered the concepts of the first two lessons and is with the contents of the coming week which will be conditional statements, the famous IF Basic, remember?
Remind you that if you have questions can I have one using my Twitter account @ tejedor1967 which is where notice of the publications of the following chapters. Become a fan and so you are aware.
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