Nothing, taking advantage of a nightmare woke me up at 2 am I went into the Apple Store in Spain and I made a small mess.
So within 2 to 3 weeks I will have the iPad2. The truth is that I thought could not be asked until 17:00 but I started to see tweets from last night about what the shop was saturated and I decided to try.
I can not wait. This year I have to prove this, the HP Playbook and Touchpad. Did you find out that I find most promising of the three? For although I have not decided if the Playbook or the touchpad, but since then the iPad2, no. If you have read it, despite its order, the iPad2 does not seem promising compared to the other. In the case of the Playbook for its integration with the BlackBerry and the business environment is where I use my current iPad 12 hours a day. In the case of the touchpad because it has the absurd restrictions associated IOS and to IPAD.
Hopefully in the IOS version 5 Apple put the batteries and remove absurd restrictions such as no shared storage spaces between applications. I'm tired of having to have three times the same file in the storage of iPad if I use it with three applications.
PD: Yeah, I know, white with orange cover a total frikadas ... I am well, I can not help.
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